Smog-2 smoke meter
Smog-2 smoke meter & ndash; it is a portable automatic device of continuous operation, which is designed to control the smoke of exhaust gases of diesel engines with automatic equipment in accordance with GOST R 52160-2003, GOST R 41.24-2003; diesel marine, warm-water and industrial engines in accordance with GOST R 51280-99; GOST R 52408-2008; GOST R 50953-2008.
Field of application: the opacimeter can be used by the traffic police, at service stations, in auto repair shops, in car services, garages when monitoring the technical condition of diesel engines and their regulation. It is also used for installation at environmental stations for monitoring the toxicity of emissions from diesel locomotive, marine and industrial diesel engines
Gas analyzer type - portable. Film The principle of operation is the optical method.
The way of sampling is due to the excess pressure of the engine exhaust gases.
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